About Us

Da più di 70 anni la VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co. è sinonimo di prestazioni tecniche, efficienza, innovazione, qualità e affidabilità notevoli.

Come leader internazionale tra le aziende di ingegneria meccanica nel campo della tecnologia vibrante e a letto fluido, da più di 70 anni siamo un partner competente nell’industria chimica e alimentare. Sviluppiamo e forniamo soluzioni sperimentate per il trasporto, la vagliatura, l‘essiccatura e il raffreddamento di materiali come granuli di plastica, patatine, orsetti di gomma, polveri di latte, caffè, zucchero, sale e tanti altri prodotti dei nostri clienti.

I nostri clienti si fidano di VIBRA SHULTHEIS grazie alle molte esperienze positive. I nostri macchinari e impianti sono in funzione con grande successo in più di 80 paesi in tutto il mondo.

170 dipendenti qualificati come pure un alto grado di integrazione verticale sono la base per una risposta flessibile alle elevate esigenze dei nostri clienti e la base dello sviluppo e del successo della nostra azienda.


Where We Are

Offenbach am Main

Offenbach / Main, the site of our main facility, is situated in the heart of the Rhine-Main economic region and has proved an ideal base for international business activities owing to its proximity to Frankfurt airport and central station.


Our production facility in Utzberg / Weimar is located directly on the B7 federal highway between Weimar and Erfurt – right in the very center of Germany. It was established in 1991 with a view to increasing the company’s manufacturing capacity.


Our impressive evolution has gone hand in hand with the regular expansion and modernization of our production equipment, which meanwhile occupies more than 18,000 square meters of floor space on a 60,000 square meter site. We also operate a modern trial center, which is at the heart of all our product development processes.

Tradition and Innovation

Our company was founded in 1948 by Ing. Wilhelm Schultheis. Even then, machines for screening and compacting were manufactured. Over the past 70 years, VIBRA MASCHINENFABRIK SCHULTHEIS GmbH & Co. has become an internationally recognized partner of the chemical and food industries. In 1965 Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm Schultheis, the son of the founder, took over the management of the company. Today Dipl.-Ing. Winfried Schultheis and Dipl.-Kfm. Manfred Schultheis are Managing Directors in the third generation.

Environment, sustainability & social responsibility

Sustainable thinking and action are of elementary importance for every forward-looking company. We take great pains to reconcile business success with environmental protection and social responsibility.